May 17Liked by Shaun Newman Podcast

Tammy is excellent and this is a crucial podcast. I think you will see it with greater gravitas if you review the work of Whitney Webb. This might be a starting place :: https://newsletter.unlimitedhangout.com/2024-05-03-newsletter/

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May 16Liked by Shaun Newman Podcast

This was an excellent podcase, thank you both for discussing this important issue. One thing i believe you missed is anti-competitive practices of the corporate giants pushing this. They are large enough to easily navigate this burden, where their smaller competitors struggle. Ask yourself why oil and gas producers like CNRL and Suncor would endorse ideas like net zero! They know this kneecaps the small to mid size producers. It is the same in other industries as well, only the large entities can navigate the landscape. And they are mostly owned by the large fund managers as discussed.

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May 16Liked by Shaun Newman Podcast

It ends when the people say NO! The End.

Thank you Shaun for bringing this guest on your podcast. Tammy has pointed out the instigators of this very real agenda, it is the ultra wealthy - the Blackrocks, the Vanguards, etc., that want to end society as we know it. All avenues lead to that conclusion, think Committee of 300.

When the majority of the population realizes it is not the Government of the day that wants to take society back to the stone ages perhaps humanity has a chance.

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I wonder if Alberta and/or Saskatchewan could bring in legislation to protect us from this. I will reach out to Tammy to see if it's even possible.

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